Artist: Aaliyah Eiland | Pine Grove Elementary School
2021 Art Entry: This painting is showing hope, showing children that they are not alone.
Artist: Alivia Eiland | Pine Grove Elementary School
2021 Art Entry: Happiness is watching children eat ice cream, hearts to remind you of internal joy.
Artist: Abrum Moore | Honea Path Middle School
2021 Art Entry: The silhouette represents you in the darkness all alone. But you just have to open the door to others so they can light the way to hope. When the viewer view the poster, its should be a reminder that you are someone’s hope, someone’s light.
Artist: Amanda Crimi | Bells Crossing Elementary Virtual School
2021 Art Entry: Girl catching stars filled with the names of everyone in her life showing she is never alone.
Artist: Kennedi Coley | Longleaf Middle School
2021 Art Entry: Abstract colors
Artists: Ryleigh Sanders & Beth Davis | Honea Path Middle School
2021 Art Entry: Messages of Hope Artwork
Artist: Alex Crimi | Bells Crossing Elementary Virtual School
2021 Art Entry: A world of love surrounds us all.
Artists: Carli Smith & Myleigh Arflin | Honea Path Middle School
2021 Art Entry: The mailman is delivering hope to a young girl
Artist: Elaina Frasier | Honea Path Middle School
2021 Art Entry: N/A
Artist: Zoey Rudolph | Honea Path Middle School
2021 Art Entry: An angel and a dog outside
Artist: Myleigh Arflin | Honea Path Middle School
2021 Art Entry: Sending people hope and love
Artist: Logan Owens | Honea Path Middle School
2021 Art Entry: Tiger
Artist: Raelyn Beanley | Honea Path Middle School
2021 Art Entry: Cow Face
Artist: Braelyn Campbell | Honea Path Middle School
2021 Art Entry: Guardian Angel
Artist: David Minor | Honea Path Middle School
2021 Art Entry: Stitch loves you!
Carli Smith: Honea Path Middle School
The birds where delivering hope to people who need it and they where getting it from “the mailbox”. 2021 Entry
Lola Rivera: LAM at Muller Road
4 kids talking on zoom, giving each other moral support.
2021 Entry
Artist: Stephanie Amador-Mendoza | Westwood High School
2021 Entry
Hollis Academy: Laird
Take a “belly breathe” when you feel sad.
Belton Middle School: Ashton Brown
“I believe in the person I want to become.”
Belton Middle School: Yolandria Hutchens
No description was given for this artwork.
Belton Middle School: Zurrie Merriweather
It is a picture of a girl jumping on the trampoline.
Belton Middle School: Leah Carey & Natalee Elrod
A child helping a weird floaty pale lady.
Belton Middle School: Zamory Edward
No description was given for this artwork.
Lake Carolina Elementary-Upper Campus: Aubrie Langonr
I drew a dark tunnel and light at the end of it. I used two quotes to explain my drawing. HOPE is an acrostic too.
Belton Middle School: Tyler Eadie, Howard Stewart & Gavan Bridges
It has a couple of rainbows, unicorns and hearts.
Hollis Academy: Mariana Gonzales
Mariana is spreading hope that people can find inner peace.
Hollis Academy: Michelle Robinson
Spreading hope at Christmas time.
Belton Middle School: Payton Yeargin
A cross that shows my hope in God.
Belton Middle School: Gabe Caddy
Service dog because a friend.
Northside Christian Academy: Sharlyn Turlington
Poster representing the two paths of eternal destiny through Jesus being the messenger of hope.
W.E. Parker Elementary: Ahmir Jennings
Cardinal bird as messenger of hope.
Belton Middle School: Dallas Moore & David Velez
Branching off how to help those in need and a ghost shows us the feelings of despair, but has hope onto it.
E.E. Taylor Elementary: Valencia
A depressed girl–and everyone who is around her wants to help her overcome her depression.
E.E. Taylor Elementary: Darius
A boy is crying and two friends are trying to cheer him up
E. E. Taylor: Mikayla
A boy is crying and two friends are trying to cheer him up.
Riverwalk Academy: Sarah & Belle
The angel symbolizes giving the children hope and not to give up!
Burton Pack Elementary: Mia
E.E. Taylor: Ta’Nique
I have two people and one is crying. She hates herself. The other one is supporting her, saying she will always love her and she should love herself.
E.E. Taylor: ZiKiera
A depressed individual getting help from a police officer
E.E. Taylor: Sky
A girl is crying about something and friends are there for support
E.E. Taylor: Zyon
She is two-sided. One side shows she is dark and wants to kill herself. On the other side, she loves herself, but she is going thru a lot. The positive side is keeping her up.
E. E. Taylor: Zy’Kirah
My picture is about a person who is sad and other people showing her support.
Perry Middle School: Gilmore
Rise up each day. Keep going and never give up. Your sunshine will replace your cloudy days. The illness that you have that nobody else can see really matters.
Lakeside Acadey: Hannah
I wanted to use the color of blue & yellow to show being a messenger of hope. The blue represents a person broken whether you can see it or not. The yellow represents anyone who can speak light into someone’s life.
Perry Middle School: Mills
Bullying can lead to mental health issues. Help others; don’t hurt them.
Perry Middle School: Harris
There is always hope. You can get better. Mental illness is not a contagious disease.
Perry Middle School: Green
Roses are pink and violets are blue. I love fortnite and you should too.
Art Smart Academy
Our Messengers of Hope–children are the future and our hope. #RomeroBritto inspired
Longleaf Middle School: Kameron
A girl is whispering in another girls ear. This represents the spread of hope through people.
Perry Middle School: Ni’kereyah
A bear with a heart.
Perry Middle School: Tai’Shawna
Always overcome adversity.
Longleaf Middle School: Daniel
The man and women are praying to the angel.
Longleaf Middle School: Marina
Taking a hand to be the messenger of hope.
Perry Middle Scjool: Sims
Don’t give up because you have a silent illness. Keep fighting to get better.
Perry Middle School: Welch
There is hope for your mental illness. You’re never alone. There is always someone to talk to and express your feelings. You can do this!
Academy for Success SCYAP: Hannah
Flower Sunrise–because flowers are signs of growth and sunrises are signs of new beginnings and new starts.
Riverwalk Aacademy: Morgan
The picture shows what’s going on in her mind and heart. The middle part shows people holding hands, supporting her while she is sharing what’s in her mind and heart.
Ashley River Creative Arts: Elizabeth
There’s Always Hope. Two hands reaching for a heart in the middle of the page.
Placing the viewer of the picture as an ambassador as a messenger of hope. Giving one a chance to spread awareness for our youth.