Governor Henry McMaster has proclaimed May 7 – 13, 2023 as
Children’s Mental Health Acceptance Week
in South Carolina!
Did You Know
1 in 5 South Carolina children has a behavioral health challenge that requires treatment?
Ensuring the emotional health of children and youth is essential to their growth and development.
There is hope!
When children and youth receive mental health treatment, there is an 80% success rate. We can all do better by learning to recognize the early warning signs of mental health problems and where children, youth and their families can obtain necessary assistance and treatment.

Family participation is essential
Families of children and youth with mental health challenges have unique needs and unique opportunities. Through training, ongoing support and community networks, family members can take an active role in the healing and recovery process—matching hope with action

Attend a Community Event
Check here for events focused on mental health and building community for children, youth and their families.
Share your own message of hope
Provide hope to children, youth and families through personal statements, quotes, poems, images and/or photographs.
Become a Sponsor for training
A one-time donation of just $25 will sponsor a training session for a family and/or a child with mental health challenges.

Federation of Families of SC
810 Dutch Square Blvd. Suite 486
Columbia, SC 29210
803-772-5210 – Office
866-779-0402 – Toll Free
803-772-5212 – Fax